A fine Irish late Georgian period figured mahogany serving table
An important 19th C French rosewood vitrine cabinet by Paul Sormani
A superb
French Empire (1799-1815) flame mahogany commode chest €5300 |
A very
fine George III inlaid mahogany sideboard €4725 |
A very fine Georgian
III oak longcase clock €3800 |
John Butler Yeats
RHA 1839-1922. A fine collection of material relating to the Yeats
family €2835 |
Jack B Yeats RHA
1871-1957 Cula Press Print €2000 |
A pair of silver
dwarf candlesticks by Gerrards London, approx 5"high, € 950 |
J.W.Carey R.U.A. 'Slieve Bernagh' w/c signed and dated 1929 (8"x14")
A 19th Century French vitrine cabinet. € 6000
A horse drawn hearse by Dotteridge Bros. London, together with
harness. £23,000.00
A 19th Century French Vitrine cabinet. €8,930.00